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Re: Site Scaning & IP graps

X-Date Fri Mar 22 11:32:05 GMT 1996
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In a previous mail , KGANNON@dit.ie wrote :
 > Can anyone tell me what the best way of detecting if a spider has had a look
 > at your server i.e is there a list of common spiders.
 > The story is there is a server here on site and while looking at the logs for
 > my own page I saw a number of sites that I have never heard off. The thing
 > is that there is no DNS entry for the server and it has not been advertised
 > only 10 or so people on site even know it exists .
 > I am just a little curious as to how people know about the server .

	If you are interested by robots, you may want to check the following


This is a list of *known* robots.

	www security faq's :

 Philippe Parmentier	 E-mail : P.Parmentier@ecmwf.int
 Snail : ECMWF, Shinfield Park, Reading, Berkshire RG2 9AX, U.K.
